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Though this small but beautiful Chateau has existed since the 18th century, the winery was brought back to life in 1999. The lands and buildings were inherited by a young David on the premature death of his parents.
When David was old enough, he decided to create his own vineyard and named this place " Mille Roses - Thousand Roses” in honour of his mother's passion for roses. David's aim was also to create aromatic wines; rich and smooth just like roses.
At the beginning of the story, it was just a half hectare of vines ! Later, and with his wife Sophie by his side, David continued to increase the size of the vineyard. Today the estate covers 10 hectares and has now moved over to organic production.
Why ? "...because we have the desire to work closer with nature and leave our 3 children more than just a profitable business, but also a clear conscience about the environment and certain values..."
David : technical and commercial management. Work in the cellars and preparation of orders
Sophie : administrative and financial management.
Manu : manual and seasonal tasks such as pruning and trellis maintenance, as well as every mechanical operation in the vineyard. He also works with David in the cellars.
Nicole : work in the vineyard throughout the year but mainly winter and spring.
And what about our 3 kids ?!
Jean, Marie and Suzanne like harvest time, they love to be with us in the cellars and especially to participate when we are labeling and packing ! !